
Cyber shadow dash
Cyber shadow dash

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cyber shadow dash

Powered by the lost souls of the ninja clan, Dr.Experience sharply honed ninja platforming action! Dash, slice, and leap your way through the depths of Mekacity as you explore claustrophobic factories, corrupted research labs, fortified coastlines, vast skyscapes, and more!.Hurry before you run out of time! The road to redemption awaits in Cyber Shadow, the quintessential Ninja Action game. How far will Shadow go to protect his clan and the one he loves? Is there more to their bond than meets the eye? Only you can unlock the secrets to your clan's ancient powers. Your robotic companion, L-Gion, is your only guide through the ruins of Mekacity. A desperate plea for help sets Shadow, the sole survivor of his clan, on one last mission to uncover what started the path to perpetual ruin. Pulse-pounding soundtrack by Enrique Martin, produced by Jake Kaufman.The world has been taken over by the evil Dr. Who can be trusted? How far will Shadow go to protect his clan and the one he loves? Return to your old haunts to find supplies, items and upgrades.Įxperience the gripping story, told both in-game and through animated cinematic story scenes between the action. Search for secrets as you explore the ruined world. Rescue your clan to unlock permanent Ninjutsu skills and abilities, combining them seamlessly as only the warrior of legend could.

cyber shadow dash

Relive the authenticity of classic 8-bit challenge or experience it for the first time. Take down more than a dozen apocalyptic bosses, from enormous war machines to your synthetic clan rivals.

cyber shadow dash

Modern touches like fluid animation, multi-layered parallax backgrounds, and evolved game design. Only you can unlock the secrets to your clan’s ancient powers in Cyber Shadow, the quintessential Ninja Action game.ĭash, slice, and leap through masterfully designed levels filled with sharply honed ninja platforming action.Īuthentic 8-bit presentation with hand-crafted sprites, a detailed pixel aesthetic, and perfect controls. Slash through the techno hordes, leap past traps, and nimbly navigate the ruins of Mekacity. A desperate plea for help sets Shadow on a journey to uncover what started the path to perpetual ruin. The world has been taken over by synthetic lifeforms.

Cyber shadow dash